On This Page:

1.   I’m wondering …. How much does it cost to fly with Grafton Gliding Club?
2.  I’ve DECIDED !  … I want to Join!!


1. How much does gliding cost?

    • The all-up cost of  learning to fly with us is around $1,400 for each year of instruction. (Of course, you might well complete your course in less than a year)
    • After you qualify as a solo pilot, the annual cost of flying with us is about $1,000.
    • See our PRICES page for a breakdown of these costs



2. How to Join Our Club

There are two steps in becoming an Australian Glider Pilot.  We’ll try to guide you through the process.


Step 1 … JOINING A REGISTERED GLIDING CLUB (Grafton Gliding Club):

i.  Complete the GGC document “Membership Application / Renewal”.  You can speed up the process by downloading the document HERE.

Print it out, complete it and bring it along to the airfield.  Otherwise, come along to a flying day and ask another club member to give you a hard copy.

ii.  Activate your membership.  A committee member will contact you to inform you if your application to become a member has been successful … along with the pro-rata amount that you will need to pay in order to activate your membership.  We prefer direct deposit, otherwise you can pay by cash at the field.  The Club’s bank details are:

BSB:  533 000 Account No: 32855097  Name: Grafton Gliding Club Reference: Your family name and Initial



Step 2 … REGISTERING AS AN AUSTRALIAN PILOT (via the Gliding Federation of Australia – GFA):

i.  Once you have activated your Grafton Gliding Club membership, you should follow this link to the membership area of the Gliding Federation. At the Bottom-Right there is a section titled “New Member? – Click the button labelled “Sign Up” and follow the process. GO->

ii.  You will notice that you have to submit a medical declaration stating that you are physically able to control an aircraft. The easiest option for now is to DOWNLOAD A MEDICAL DECLARATION, print it out, complete it and give it to or email it to a GGC committee member. We’ll upload it for you the first time, until you become familiar with the GFA system. GO->

iii. Pay the annual membership levy for the GFA. Print out the receipt and give it to a GGC committee member.


AND NOW ? ….

Congratulations and welcome! …

You are now the newest pilot in Australia … and the newest member of Grafton Gliding Club.

Follow this link to the Members’ Area of our website. (You’ll need to ask a GGC member for the password) …

Go to the “Trainee Pilots” section and you can begin your training. You will find links to all the training modules and resource materials. If you want to make a “flying start” (pardon the pun) … begin reading modules 1, 4 and 9.

… Otherwise, you can access the Training Modules HERE

We also highly recommend browsing through “Australian Gliding Knowledge” HERE

AND REMEMBER … Contact us at any time of you have any questions.

Happy Flying!

The Committee of Grafton Gliding Club.